Romel John


Ph.D. Business Administration (Superior University)
MBA (Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)

Has an MBA and BS Business (Operations Management) from FCCU and is presently a Ph.D. Scholar (Business Administration) at Superior University, Lahore; is a Fulbright scholar (USA) and a certified career transition/development coach from USA, Florida; has diverse experience in human resources management, management consultancy, and career counseling; has conducted multiple workshops and training sessions on business planning, career development, resume writing, professionalism, and grooming; has formerly worked as Senior Manager Human Resources and Director of Career Services at FCCU.

Research Area
ROOM | 141, Business & Social Sciences Building
Romel John


Ph.D. Business Administration (Superior University)
MBA (Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)

Has an MBA and BS Business (Operations Management) from FCCU and is presently a Ph.D. Scholar (Business Administration) at Superior University, Lahore; is a Fulbright scholar (USA) and a certified career transition/development coach from USA, Florida; has diverse experience in human resources management, management consultancy, and career counseling; has conducted multiple workshops and training sessions on business planning, career development, resume writing, professionalism, and grooming; has formerly worked as Senior Manager Human Resources and Director of Career Services at FCCU.

Research Area
ROOM | 141, Business & Social Sciences Building
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